News Muse

Musings from the editors of DisciplesWorld magazine on news, religion and whatever else we feel like writing about.

June 06, 2005

Love, death and miniature golf part 2

At the wedding reception, I met John Ventura, a co-worker of my husband’s and a professional putt-putt golfer just back from a tournament in Richmond, Indiana. He was sick all day Thursday, almost decided not to go, shot poorly on Friday, then stayed up until 4 a.m. with his fellow putters drinking beer out on the course. A few hours later, he got up and shot the best four rounds in Indiana history.

Then this morning on ESPN (always the first channel on in our house in the morning) I caught the end of a piece about a funeral home in Palatine, Ill. with a mini-golf course in the basement. I tried to find out more about it on ESPN’s web site but had to settle for this link from Roadside America.